Biography – Anna Bakerbower

Mrs. Anna Bakerbower, living in Clayton, was born in Schuyler county, Illinois, March 25, 1867, her parents being Conrad and Catherine (Bedenbender) Smith.  Her father was born in Switzerland in 1830 and her mother’s birth occurred in Germany in 1840.  After...

Biography – Asa Tyrer

Asa Tyrer, the first coroner of Adams County, was a native of Hampshire County, Massachusetts, born 1788. He first visited the Illinois country in 1818, that he might locate a quarter section of land in the Military Bounty Tract, which he had purchased from a soldier...

Biography – Carl Becker

The German element in the citizenship of Quincy has been an important one.  A native son of the fatherland, Carl Becker, now connected with the manufacturing  interests as a member of the Wiebmer-Becker Machine Company. was born in Rhine Pfalz, Germany, November 27,...

Biography – Carol Edward Gillhouse

Carl Edward Gillhouse is one of the prosperous farm owners in that splendid agricultural district southeast of Quincy in Payson Township.  He is a member of the well known Gillhouse family, a son of Ernest Gillhouse, one of the oldest men in Adams County and...