Adams County Illinois Obituaries

There are hundreds of obituaries available on this Adams County website. We also have links to other websites where Adams County obituaries can be found. The information below may help you find the obituary you need. Index of Transcribed Obituaries Index of Obituary...

Adams County Index of Transcribed Obituaries

These “obituaries” of Adams County residents have been transcribed from various newspapers. Some are only death listings, while others are newspaper articles that report a death. The length of obituaries has changed over time… so some of these will...

The Obituary Extract Index of Adams County Illinois

The Obituary Index is a project of Adams County ILGenWeb. The earliest obituaries indexed here are from 1851. The information in the index includes: Surname, First Name, Middle Name, Other Surnames, Age, Place of Death, Date of Death, Date of Obituary and Newspaper....

Obituary – William Hendry

Death of Mr. Hendry It is our painful duty to record the death of the Hon. William Hendry, a representative in the lower House of the Legislature, from the county of Adams. He died on Tuesday night after a short illness. Source: Quincy Whig, January 6,...

Obituary – Simon Friday

Simon Friday Died Friday. Simon Friday, one of Mt. Sterling’s veterans of the Civil War, passed away last Friday in the Soldiers’& Sailors’ Home hospital, Quincy, where he had been making his home for over a year. The cause of his death was...

Letter About Death of William H. Blackwell

Office of the Charitable Aid & Hospital Association Quincy, Ill, May 14, 1876 Mr. Jos. F. Wilmott – Dear Sir: An Englishman, about sixty-six years old, named Wm. H. Blackwell, died in our hospital on Friday last. He arrived here on the Tuesday evening...

Obituary – Inez Crawford Toomay

Funeral services for Inez Crawford Toomay, wife of the Rev. John Barron Toomay, former widely-known Ontarian and sister of Hugh H. Crawford, 205 Princeton street, who died Saturday [16 Oct] night at her home in Claremont at the age of 58 years, were conducted...

Obituary – John Adams Lewis

John Adams Lewis, World War I veteran and long time Etiwanda district resident, succumbed to a sudden heart attack yesterday at his home in Langham avenue. He was 58 years of age. A native of Milford, Ill., Mr. Lewis came to California 35 years ago and had resided in...

Obituary – John Stoll

Death of John Stoll Mr. John Stoll died yesterday morning at 7:30 o’clock at his home, 303 South Fourth street. Deceased was born in Philadelphia on July 30, 1829, and came to Quincy in 1857. He married Miss Martha M. Kimball on December 16, 1863, and she and...