Oct 14, 2016 | Obituaries |
Quincy, Ill., Jan 22. Mrs. Mary Wood, the widow of ex-Governor Wood, of this city, of which he was the founder, died yesterday, aged eighty-one years. She had been a resident for fifty-seven years. Source: The Decatur [IL] Daily Review, January 22,...Oct 14, 2016 | Obituaries |
BULLET WOUND CAUSED DEATH Michael E. Cavanaugh, who was wounded during the Civil War Died This Morning – Shot in Lung Resulted in Death A bullet wound received through the lung during the Civil War of 1864, was the indirect cause of the death of Michael E....Oct 14, 2016 | Obituaries |
The Daily Herald, Chicago IL Aug 10, 1901 Mrs. Lewis, aged 115 years, died at Quincy. Note: A search of census records did not reveal her first name. Ed. Source: The Daily Herald, Chicago, Aug 10, 1901Oct 14, 2016 | Obituaries |
This is an obituary from the Clayton Enterprise for Nancy Chipman Davis. Her husband, Washington Jackson Davis, was the oldest son of one of Clayton Township’s earliest settlers, Edward Davis. Nancy and Washington’s children were Joseph W. Davis, David A....Oct 14, 2016 | Obituaries |
Camp Point, November 3 — This town was thrown into a state of intense excitement by a rumor that Nathan Miller, a prominent and wealthy old citizen, had committed suicide by hanging. Inquiry developed the fact that Mr. Miller was found about 6 o’clock by...Oct 14, 2016 | Obituaries |
Obituary of Antoinett A. Ostermiller Mrs. Antoinett A. Ostermiller, 75, of 2048 Oak died Tuesday (Sept. 30, 1969) at 5 a.m. in St Mary Hospital where she had been a patient since Sept 11. Mrs. Ostermiller was born March 10, 1894, in Quincy, the daughter of Bernard J....Oct 14, 2016 | Obituaries |
The Daily Herald, Chicago IL June 1, 1901 Quincy Minister Drops Dead Rev. Louis Zahn, pastor of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, died suddenly of paralysis of the heart at Quincy. He was delivering an address at the corner stone laying of St. Jacobi new...Oct 14, 2016 | Obituaries |
Simon Friday Died Friday. Simon Friday, one of Mt. Sterling’s veterans of the Civil War, passed away last Friday in the Soldiers’& Sailors’ Home hospital, Quincy, where he had been making his home for over a year. The cause of his death was...Oct 14, 2016 | Letters, Obituaries |
Office of the Charitable Aid & Hospital Association Quincy, Ill, May 14, 1876 Mr. Jos. F. Wilmott – Dear Sir: An Englishman, about sixty-six years old, named Wm. H. Blackwell, died in our hospital on Friday last. He arrived here on the Tuesday evening...Oct 14, 2016 | Obituaries |
Funeral services for Inez Crawford Toomay, wife of the Rev. John Barron Toomay, former widely-known Ontarian and sister of Hugh H. Crawford, 205 Princeton street, who died Saturday [16 Oct] night at her home in Claremont at the age of 58 years, were conducted...
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