Oct 14, 2016 | History, Newspapers |
From the Quincy Whig, November 4, 1846 Married-In Burton District October 20th, Mr. Edmund Wheeler to Mrs. Maria Pulman, all of Burton. October 23rd, Mr. Francis Brown of Quincy to Miss Nartha A. Lewis of Greene County. From the Quincy Whig, November 11, 1846...Oct 14, 2016 | History, Newspapers |
The newsworthy events of 1846 were recorded in the Quincy Whig, published every Wednesday in Quincy, Illinois. I hope you’ll enjoy these tidbits gleaned from these very old newspapers, all on microfilm and available to read at Quincy Public Library. From the...Oct 14, 2016 | History, Newspapers |
From the Quincy Whig, September 1, 1847 Married – On Thursday, 26th inst., near Bear Creek in this county, by the Rev. Turner, Mr. Alexander Johnson, formerly of Ohio, to Miss Eliza Ann Hampton of Canada. Cake received. From the Quincy Whig, September 8, 1847...Oct 14, 2016 | History, Newspapers |
From the Quincy Whig, June 9, 1847 Married–Near Payson on Wednesday, 2d inst., by the Rev. Mr. Shaw, Mr. William Best to Miss Eveline Thompson, all of this city. From the Quincy Whig, June 16, 1847 Suicide — Mr. Isaac Vincent, of Lima, committed suicide on...Oct 14, 2016 | History, Newspapers |
From the Quincy Whig, April 7, 1847 Married–Near Columbus on the 25th, ult. by the Rev. Mr. Matlack, Mr. Thomas Durant of Quincy to Miss Elizabeth Johnson of Highland County. From the Quincy Whig, April 14, 1847 Married–Near Mendon, March 27th, by Rev....Oct 14, 2016 | History, Newspapers |
From the Quincy Whig, August 4, 1847 Shortness of Time The moments fly, a minute’s gone! The minutes fly, an hour is run! The day is fled, the night is here! Thus dies a week, a month, a year! A year, alas! How soon it’s past, Who knows but this may...Oct 14, 2016 | History, Newspapers |
From the Quincy Whig, December 9, 1846 Married–In Marion County, Missouri, November 30, William Carlin of Quincy and Rebecca Gill. Married–In Warsaw, Illinois, December 2, Capt. E. W. Gould and Elizabeth A. Chipley, all of Warsaw. Died–November 30 of...Oct 14, 2016 | History, Newspapers |
From the Quincy Whig, February 3, 1847 DIED–Near this city (Quincy, IL), on the 26th ult. Wm. H. Whipple, aged about 17 years, youngest son of the late Col. Whipple. From the Quincy Whig, February 10, 1847 MARRIED–In this city, on Thursday evening last,...
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