Daniel Brewster Kelly born 11 Mar 1828, NY or NJ. Died 7 Aug 1924 Quincy, IL. He was the son of John Kelly and Christian Dunham of Woodbridge, New Jersey. John Kelly was born about 1782 and died 14 September 1857 and is buried in Woodbridge, NJ. Christian Dunham Kelly was born about 1789 and died 1 December 1833 and died in Woodbridge, NJ. John and Christian had 10 children, Susan, Lewis, Elizabeth, Sarah Ann, Melvina, John, Hannah Christian, Frazy, Rachel Ann, and Daniel Brewster.
Daniel Brewster married Rebecca Conroy and had Rachel, Sarah, William, Emma, Ellzabeth and John Kelly.
I am a descendent of Hannah Christian who married Ezra Noe.
I am descendant of Ezra and Christianna. Please email at [email protected]