Immanuel Lutheran Church of South Prairie

From 1848 to 1852, the Pioneer families of Jann Buss and Gerd Franken held regular worship services in their homes before the organization of the first church. These services consisted of reading the scripture lessons and sermons, singing hymns, and prayers. Albert...

Salem Evangelical Church, Quincy, Illinois

The History of Salem Evangelical Church The first meeting of what would later become Salem was held on Easter Sunday 1848. The Rev. Christoph Jung, working on behalf of the German mission society, conducted the meeting. In 1877 the church moved to its present...

Adams County Illinois Churches

We’d like more content for this section. Can you share some history of area churches? Please contact us. Clergymen of 1888: Samuel H. Dana, Pastor of First Union Congregational Church. Born in Portland, Maine. William Schlinkmann, Pastor of St. Peter’s...