Written: June 18, 1830

Asa Tyrer was back in Adams County, Illinois in 1830 as shown by this Circuit

Court record:


State of Illinois

Adams County


“The people of the state of Illinois to the Sheriff of Adams County,


Whereas Thomas McBeaney as principal and Asa Tyrer as security of the County of

Adams and state aforesaid, on the 18th of June, 1830, came into the Circuit

Court of said County of Adams before the judge thereof, in their own proper

persons and acknowledged themselves jointly and severally to owe and be

indebted to the people of the State of Illinois in the sum of $100 to be levied

of their especial goods and chattels, lands and tenements for the use of the

people aforesaid:”


“Provided the said Thomas McBeaney should fail to appear before the

judge of said court on the 1st day of the next term thereof, to be holden at

the Courthouse in Quincy on the 21st day of October, 1830 to answer unto the

people of the State of Illinois in an indictment for an affray pending in said



“And the said Thomas McBeaney having failed to appear at the said term

of the said Court to answer to the indictment aforesaid, although solemnly



“We therefore, command you to summon the said Thomas McBeaney and Asa

Tyrer to be and appear before the Judge of our said Court on the 1st day of the

next term to be holden on the 23rd day of May next, to show cause, if any they

can, why the said people of the State of Illinois ought not to have execution

against them for the said sum of money for which they are bound according to

the force and form of their recognizance, and further to do and receive

whatever said court shall then and there consider and adjudge against them in

that behalf, etc.”


Adams Circuit Court, of the term of May 1832:


“Asa Tyrer, being sworn says that in the case of the people vs. Thomas

McGraney and Asa Tyrer on ?Sam ?Farias. This deponent says that within a few

days past he made a journey to the Blue Mounds in the attached part of the

Michigan Territory where the aforesaid McGraney resides, and who is engaged in

the mining business there, for the purpose of bringing the said McGraney with

him to this place to surrender him at the present term of this court in

execution of this deponent who was bail for said McGraney on an indictment of

an affray.”


“This deponent further states that he fund said McGraney at his

residence in Michigan as aforesaid and said McGraney started with this deponent

to come to this place to attend at this present term, on part of the way to

Galena I was informed that martial law was proclaimed at that place, and the

commanding officer at that place refused to let any man come away who was able

to bear arms and would not give permission for the said McGraney to come to

this place. This deponent states that he could not get away himself without a

pass from the commanding officer there. The instrument of writing given his

deponent for that purpose is herewith, and further this deponent says not.”

Asa Tyrer.


“The person whose duty it is to prevent militia men from leaving this

place are permitted to let Joseph R. Martin depart for the reason that he has

given bail in $600 for his appearance at the Marion Circuit Court, Missouri



“And also let Asa Tyrer depart for being exempted from military duty

for four or five years past. Given at Galena, May the 20th, 1832 Mr. ?Stone,

Col. Commanding, 27 Reg’t Ill Militia.”

Source: Asa Tyrer – Circuit Court Records of Adams Co, Illinois