
bds-boards.n ex-northern extension ofs ex-southern exension of
bet-between.ns-north side.
(col)-colored.nw-north west.sw-south west.
cor-corner.res-resides and residence.w-west of.
e-east of.n-north side.
es-east east.s-south of.
  se-south east.

V Surnames

Vagel August, laborer; res 6th ws 2 n Ohio.
Vahle Hermann, cooper; bds Madison ns 2 e Eighth.
Vahle Hermann, laborer; res Ohio ns 2 e Eighth.
Vahle Peter, cooper shop, Conyer’s al. ws 7th; bdsOhio ss 4 w 7th.
Vahle Wilhelm, cooper; res Madison ns 2 e Eighth.
Vale Bernhart H., teamster; res Jackson ns 2 w Ninth.
Valentine Martha, widow of Job; res Fourth es 3 sBroadway.
Vanbalair William, flour-packer, 29 Fourth; res Vinens 2 e Fifth.
Vandenboom Clemens A.; bedstd. fac. and res ne cor10th and Broad.
Vandenburg George W., harness maker, Fifth es 4 nHampshire.
VAN DIEN ELIZABETH, widow of Henry, milliner and dealerin millinery goods, 89 Hampshire; res same.
Vandiver John W., firm of Barlow, Wood & Co.;res Ver ns 3 w 2d.
Van Doorn George C., teller 1st Nat. Bk. ; res swcor 8th and Spring.
Van Doorn James A., firms of V. Bro. & Co., andJames Arthur & Co.; res 11 State ss 6 w Third.
VAN DOORN BROTHER & CO., (J. K. & J. A. VanD., U. S. Penfield and A. Stobie), dealers in pine lumber, shingles andlaths, 165 Hampshire.
Van Doorn John K., firms of V. Bro. & Co., andJames Arthur & Co.; res sw cor Eighth and Spring.
Van Doorn Relief, widow of David; res 11 State ss6 w Third.
Van Doorn William C., U. S. deputy collector, 94 Maine;res Hamp. ns 2 e Seventh.
VAN DYKE & VAN DYKE, (T. N. & W. D.), attorneysat law, se cor Fourth and Hampshire.
Van Dyke Thomas Nixon, firm of Van D. & Van D.;res Jersey ns 3 e Sixth.
Van Dyke, William D.. firm of Van D. & Van D.; res Jer. ns 3 e 6th.
VANFLEET ABRAHAM, blacksmith, shop se cor Sixth andVermont; res Vermont ss 2 e Sixth.
Van Frank Carnahan D., clerk Farmers’ and Merchants’Insurance Co.; res ne cor Sixth and Oak.
Van Frank Emily, widow of Gerrit; res ne cor Sixthand Oak.
VAN FRANK HENRY N., Vice President Farmers’ and Merchants’Insurance Co., ne cor Fourth and Hampshire; res ne cor Sixth and Oak.
VAN FRANK WILLIS R., Secretary and Treasurer Farmers’and Merchants’ Insurance Co., ne cor Fourth and Hampshire; res ne cor Sixthand Oak.
Van Horn Archibald M., firm of Turner, Van H. &Co.; res Louisiana, Missouri.
Van Horn Walter J., firm of Turner, Van H. & Co.;res Chicago, Ill.
Van Horn William M., firm of Turner, Van H. &Co.; res Louisina, Missouri.
Vannest Ornando, teamster; res 220 Vermont ss 9 eTwelfth.
Vanstavern Samuel, carp., 6th se cor Jer.; res nwcor 7th and Mad.
Van Steenbergh Joseph E., laborer; res Front es sDelaware.
Van Steenbergh Viana, widow of Jacob; res Fourth es3 n Broad.
Van Steenbergh Jacob, Ind. root doc.; res Hamp. ns4 w 13th.
Vaughn Hattey, widow of Irvin M.; bds Walker House.
Veach Horatio C., boatman; res Vermont ns 5 w Eleventh.
Veil George, fore. lum., 4th nw cor Broad.; res Mad.ns 4 w 7th.
Venkhaus Friederich W., laborer; res Payson avenuess 2 w Tenth.
Vens Wilhelm, laborer; res 121 Jersey ns 2 w Eighth.
Venvertloh Bernhart, carpenter; res Oak ns 4 e Ninth,shop in rear.
Venvertloh Bernhart H., laborer; res Adams ss 2 eSeventh.
Venvertloh Henry, carpenter, 6th se cor Jer.; resAdams ss 2 e 7th.
Verheier Jacob, laborer; res Ninth ws 2 n Maine.
Vermehr Friedrich, tailor; shop and res Kentucky ns5 e Seventh.
Vermont House, Maine ss e Front, George Pickler, proprietor.
VERNIAUD CLAUDIUS, bonnet and hat bleacher, and dealerin Plaster Paris blocks, and millinery goods, 170 Maine; res same.
Vestal Jay, tanner, Kentucky ns 2 w 6th; res 180 Statens 3 w 10th.
Vestal Neal, jr., fruit-dealer; res Third ws 1 s Spring.
Vestal Priscila W., widow of Neal; res Third ws 1s Spring.
Vetter Rosina, widow of Jacob; res 129 York ns 3 eSeventh.
Viberts John, firm of Letton & V.; res Ninth es3 s Oak.
Vickers Cordelia, widow of Abraham; res 79 5th ws3 s York.
Vierheller Mary, widow of Heinrich; res se cor Frontand Spring.
Vilars Oliver, carpenter; res 99 Kentucky ns 3 w Eighth.
Vink Carl, laborer; res Monroe ns 3 e Eighth.
VIRGINIA HOUSE, nw cor Third and Hampshire, A. Peacock,proprietor.
Vocker Gerhard H., carpenter; res 12th ws 2 s Spring,shop in rear.
Vogel August, laborer; res Ohio ss 2 w Eleventh.
Vogel Johann, laborer; res Monroe ns 2 w Seventh.
Vogel John Friederich, firm of Vosmer & V.; resMad. ns 9 e 8th.
Vogel Louis, weaver, 152 Hampshire; res same, in rear.
Vogelsang August, carp., Ninth s York; bds se cor7th and Ohio.
VOLK CORNELIUS G., sculptor, Quincy Marble Works,se cor Third and Maine; res 44 Kentucky ss 2 w Fourth.
Volk Henry B., agricultural clerk; bds 37 Kentuckyns 2 w Fourth.
Volker Bernhart, laborer; res Vermont ss 11 e Twelfth.
Volkeri Henry, cooper; shop and res Ohio ns 2 e Fourth.
Voikweis Adam; res Seventh es 5 n Spring.
Vollbracht Carl, teamster, 68 Sixth; res Payson 3 w Fifth.
Vollmer George, harness-maker, 109 Hamp; res 8th ws4 s Wash.
Volm Andreas, wood-turner, 164 Hamp.; res Maine ss7 e Tenth.
Volm Franz, cabinet-maker, 17 Fifth ws n Hampshire;res same.
Volm Philipp, cabinet-maker, 17 Fifth ws n Hampshire;res same.
Voots Joseph, cooper, shop 39, res 37 Ninth ws n Maine.
Vorndamm Maria E., widow of Casper H,; res Adams ss2 e 8th.
Vorndamm Heinrich, stone-mason; res Madison ss 2 eSeventh.
Vornholt Gerhart, plasterer; res Tenth ne cor alleyn Elm.
Vosmer & Vogel, (A. F. W. V. & J. F. V.),saddle-tree manufacturers, alley s Washington e Fifth.
Vosmer August F. W., firm of V. & Vogel; res al.s Wash. 1 e Fifth.
Vosmer Friederich Wilhelm, carpenter; res alley sWash. 2 e Fifth.
Vosteen Johann, bricklayer; res Monroe ss 4 w Ninth.
Vosz Johann Friederich, laborer; res 114 Ohio ss 4e Seventh.