Oct 14, 2016 | Biographies |
GEORGE W. PEARCE. A residence of many years in Adams County has given this gentleman a thorough knowledge of the growth and development of this region of country, its resources and advantages, and has also extended his acquaintance and enabled him to make many friends...Oct 14, 2016 | Biographies |
THEODORE C. POLING. With practically every phase of Quincy’s development in financial power, business resources, and the enrichment of its community and institutional life, Theodore C. Poling has been identified during the past forty years. His name in...Oct 14, 2016 | Biographies |
Forgotten Statesman of Illinios By Dr. J. F. Snyder The article here is from Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for the Year 1908. It presents a very interesting look at the life and times of James Harvey Ralston. James Ralston and two of his...Oct 14, 2016 | Biographies |
John E. Ritter is now treasurer of Ferry county. He was first appointed in 1901 to fill an unexpired term in this office, and the following year was elected to continue in the same office. Previous to this he had been treasurer of Republic, and had also served a term...Oct 14, 2016 | Biographies |
JOHN ROBERT LAUGHLIN is one of Mendon Township’s oldest native citizens, has been a leading and prominent stockman for half a century, and the esteem in which he is generally held is well expressed by his fellow citizens in their reference to him as...Oct 14, 2016 | Biographies |
SEYMOUR L. McCRORY, attorney-at-law and Notary Public of La Harpe, is a native of Liberty Township, Adams County, Ill. He was born on the 9th of March, 1867, and is a son of James McCrory, who was born in Washington County, Pa., on the 1st of January, 1820. The latter...Oct 14, 2016 | Biographies, Obituaries |
In a little talk with Maurice Kelly, this morning, in The Journal office, we picked up a few scraps of information that were new to us. The writer asked him his age, and he replied: “I went to school within a stone’s throw of this place sixty-two years...Oct 14, 2016 | Biographies |
Willard Keyes, long Mr. Wood’s co-worker in local and county enterprises and always his warm friend, was six years older than the Governor. He was a Vermont man, born in Windham County, October 28, 1792. Originally the family was from Massachusetts. The boy...Oct 14, 2016 | Biographies, Letters |
James Harvey Langsford, one of the most prominent citizens of Mound township, was born June 20, 1817, near Bardstown, in Nelson county, Kentucky. His father, Nicholas Langsford, was a native of Plymouth, England, and came to this county when a boy, of some 16 years,...Oct 14, 2016 | Biographies |
JAMES GUTHRIE JOHNSON, one of the prominent citizens of Carthage, Ill., well deserves mention in the history of his adopted county, for besides being a man of enterprise and activity, in whom the thriving spirit of the age predominates, he is a man of broad and...
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