Oct 14, 2016 | History, Newspapers |
From the Quincy Whig, August 4, 1847 Shortness of Time The moments fly, a minute’s gone! The minutes fly, an hour is run! The day is fled, the night is here! Thus dies a week, a month, a year! A year, alas! How soon it’s past, Who knows but this may...Oct 14, 2016 | History, Newspapers |
From the Quincy Whig, December 9, 1846 Married–In Marion County, Missouri, November 30, William Carlin of Quincy and Rebecca Gill. Married–In Warsaw, Illinois, December 2, Capt. E. W. Gould and Elizabeth A. Chipley, all of Warsaw. Died–November 30 of...Oct 14, 2016 | History, Newspapers |
1855 School Roll South School – Quincy, Illinois Quincy, ILL., April 7, 1855 Mr. Editor, As you have manifested considerable interest in the welfare of our Public Schools, I hand you for publication a memorandum from the rolls of the Boys’ Department,...
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