
bds-boards. n ex-northern extension of s ex-southern exension of
bet-between. ns-north side. ss-south side.
(col)-colored. nw-north west. sw-south west.
cor-corner. res-resides and residence. w-west of.
e-east of. n-north of. ws-west side.
es-east side. ne-north east. s-south of.
    se-south east.

E Surnames

Eagon John M., bds 84 Fourth es 2 s York.
Ealting Heinrich, cooper, alley n Maine e Tenth; bds sw cor Eleventh and Vermont.
Easterday George W., clerk, boots and shoes, 32 Fifth; res nw cor Fifth and State.
Easterday Harvey E., miller and merchant; res nw cor 5th and State,
Eastin John A., firm of E. H. Schofield & Co.; res 58 Ver. ss 7 e 3d.
Eastin John M., tobacco-roller, cor Front and Delaware; bds Maiden , Lane ss 5 e Fourth.
Eaton Edward T., dealer in flour, feed and produce, nw cor Fifth and Vermont; res Third es 1 s Spring.
Eaton John, plasterer; res Third ws 1 s Kentucky, in rear.
Eaton John B., clerk, bag fac., 30 Fourth; bds Fifth ws 3 s Spring,
Eaton Mrs. Mary; res Maine ss 3 e Ninth.
EBER & KOENEKE, (W. E. & C. A. K.), dealers in groceries and provisions, 123 Hampshire, and vinegar manufacturers, Olive es n Oak.
Eber William, firm of E. & Koeneke; res 123 Hampshire.
Eberhardt Adolph, cabinet-maker, 95 Jersey; res Jer. ns 3 w Tenth. Eberhardt August, butcher; res Kentucky ns 3 e Seventh.
Eberhardt Charles, shoemaker, 51 4th; res 250 Maine ss 7 e 9th.
Ebers Charles, tailor, 135 Maine; res same.
EBERT JACOB, stone-cutter and mason and proprietor-stone quarry, Front es s Washington; res sw cor Eighth and Madison.
Ebrenz Conrad, stone-cutter, Front es s Washington; res 125 Kentucky ns 3 w Ninth.
Echtenkamp Heinrich, teamster; res Adams ss 4 w Seventh.
Eck Johann, laborer, 254 Maine ss 9 e Ninth; bds same.
Eckenkemper Bernhart, laborer; res 159 Ohio ns 4 e Ninth.
Eckert Andreas, wood-turner, 95 Jersey; res Hamp. ss 4 w 13th.
Eckert Christian, blacksmith, C. B. & Q. shop; res Ken. ns 3 e 8th.
Eckert Franz, cooper, shop al. s Ken. e 8th; res Ken ns 3 e Eighth.
ECKERT JOHN G., malt and cider vinegar manufactory, 38 Front; res State ns 6 e Sixth.
Edmonson Magruder, boarding house; Hampshire ns 4 w Third.
EDSON GEORGE W., physician and surgeon; office and res 177 Broadway ss 5 e Eleventh.
Edwards Miss Anna E., dress-maker; res 63 Seventh ws 4 n York.
Edwards Anthony, (col) farmer; res 25th ws 2 n Maine, E. Quincy.
Edwards Asa T., carpenter; res 238 Hampshire ss 3 e Tenth.
Edwards Cassey, (col) widow of Moses; res 116 5th es 2 is Maid. L.
Edwards William, plasterer; res Oak ss 2 w Seventh.
EGBERS, BERNARD, sr., tailor; shop and res 142 Hampshire.
Egbers Bernard, jr., machinist, C. B. & -Q. shop; res 142 Hamp.
Egbers Henry, bar-tender, 124 Hampshire; bds same.
Eger Paul; frames pictures, 138 Maine; res 11th ws 2 s Maine.
Eggers Friederich, at C. B. & Q. Pt. dp’t.; res 2d ws 2 s Chestnut.
Eggert Henry, teamster; res nw cor Eighth and Ohio.
Eggert Henry Frank, teamster; res Eighth ws 2 n Ohio.
Ehmann Ern st, physician; office and res Maine ns 2 w Ninth.
Ehrgott Adam, pattern-maker, Front es s Broad.; res Jer. ns 4 w 10th.
Ehrgott George Frederick, city express; res 127 Maine.
Ehrgott Gottfried, sr.; res 127 Maine.
Ehrgott Godfrey, jr., carriage-smith, 6th ws s Maine ; res 127 Maine.
Ehrgott Jacob, gardener; res Fifth ws I s Woodland Cemetery.
Eichmann Reuben, carpenter, 56 5th es 2 s Jer.; bds Ken. ns e 5th.
Eickmeier Hanna L., widow of Peter; res sw cor Tenth and Ken.
Eickmeier Herman H., cooper. alley n State e Eighth ; res sw cor Tenth and Kentucky.
Eierdam Peter, laborer; res Ninth ws 3 s State.
Eif Bernhart, plasterer; res Elm ss 2 w Eleventh.
Eif Jacob II., painter, cor Twelfth -and Hampshire; res 300 Hampshire ss 3 w Thirteenth.
Eif John , laborer, cor 12th and Hamp.; res 300 Hamp. ss 3 w 13th.
Eikelmann Heinrich, laborer; res Fifth ws 2 n Cherry.
Eikelmann Johann, laborer; res Fifth ws 3 s Cedar.
Eilers Friedrich Wm., tailor, 52 Fourth; res York ss 5 e Seventh.
Eineke Henry, carpenter; res sw cor Payson avenue and Ninth.
Einhaus George, dry goods, &c.. 227 Maine ns 7 e Eighth; res same.
Einhaus Hermann G.; res Ninth ws 2 s Broadway.
Einhaus John, plasterer; res Oak ns I e Nineteenth.
Einhaus William 11. ‘, clerk. I 11 Hamp. ; res Ninth ws 2 s Broadway.
Eisenberg Wilhelm, teamster; res Second ws 2 n Hampshire.
Eisenhauer Adam, stone-cutter ; res Kentucky ns 4 w Ninth.
Eisenstein Louis; res 228 Maine ss e Eighth.
Eisenstein William, cigar-maker; res 228 Maine ss e Eighth.
Eising Bernhart, laborer; res Broadway ns 1 e Twenty-first.
Elder John B., tobacconist, cor Front and Delaware; res 130 York ss 3 w Seventh.
Elder Robert M., shoemaker, 69 4th; res 173 State ns 3 e Eighth.
Elderkin Emma B. V., widow of John, dress-maker; res 195 Maine.
Elfers Anna E., widow of Corth E.; res 1.07 Ohio ns 2 e Seventh.
Elfers Jacob, at gas-works; res 107 Ohio ns 2 e Seventh.
Elfers John Ill., marble-cutter, coi- Third and Maine; res 107 Ohio ns 2 e Seventh.
ELGIN MISS EMMA J., dress, and cloak maker, 84 Fourth es 2 s York; res same.
Elgin Joseph F., brick-layer; res 90 Maine ss w Fourth.
Elgin Thomas H.. marble agent. cor Third and Maine; res 84 Fourth es 2 s York.
ELGIN WALTER W., eclectic physician and surgeon, 70 Hampshire; res 84 Fourth es 2 s York.
Elifuitz Daniel G.. express agent, West Quincy ; res 3d es a York.
Elimo Abraham, hoop skirt manufactory, 17 Fifth; res same.
Ellebrecht Charles, wood-turner, 95 Jer.; res 10th es 4 11 Hamp.
ELLEBRECHT & ABEL, (J. E. & W. A.), dealers in dry goods and groceries, 152 Maine se cor Sixth.
Ellebrecht Joseph, firm of E. & Abel; res 94 Kentucky ns 2 e Seventh.
Ellerbrock Anna, widow of Jobst H.; res Pay. av. ns 4 e Fifth.
Ellerbrock Heinrich J., iron-moulder, Front s Delaware; res Adams ss 7 e Eighth.
Ellerbrock Friederich; res Adams ss 7 e Eighth.
Ellerbrock Henry, laborer; res Washington ns 8 w Eighth.
Ellerbrock Henry, at livery, Fourth ws 3 9 Maine; res Payson avenue ns 4 e Fifth.
Ellerbrock Hermann, at foundry, 5th s Jer.; res Adams ss 7 e Eighth.
Ellerbrock Hermann H., at foundry, 5th s Jer.; res Pay. av. ns 4 e 5th.
Ellerbrock Johann, laborer; res Adams ss Seventh e Eighth.
Ellerbrock Joseph, at livery, Fourth ws 3 s Maine; res Payson avenue ns 4 e Fifth.
Ellerbrock Wilhelm, flour packer, Front es n Hampshire; res Payson avenue ss 1 w Fifth.
Ellerbrock Wilhelm, Co. H, 43 Ill. Inf.; res Adams ss 7 e Eighth.
Ellermann Gottlieb, laborer, Front ws s Del.; res Ohio s s 4 e Sixth.
Ellermann Peter H., at saw-mill, n ex Front; res Adams ss 5 e 8th
Ellermann Wilhelm, laborer; res 149 Washington ns 4 e Seventh.
Ellermeier Ernst, laborer; res Eighth es 2 s Payson avenue.
Ellers Bernhart, laborer; res Tenth ws 1 s Vine.
Ellers Heinrich, teamster; res 46 Ninth es 1 n Maine.
Elliot Frances, widow of William; res Eighth es 7 s Maine.
Elliott Fred N., firm of Mason & E.; bds Tremont House.
Elliott Irving, laborer, C. B. & Q. freight house; res Elm ss 4 e 6th.
Elliott William S., agent, sewing machines, 132 Maine; res same,
Elliott Mrs. W. S., dress and cloak maker, 132 Maine; res same.
Elliott Samuel, (col) laborer; res lane s Broadway 1 e Twenth-fourth ns, East Quincy.
Ellis Benjamin H., laborer, 45 Sixth; res Maiden Lane ss 3 e Fifth.
Ellis Fernanders, photographer; bds Third es 2 s Vermont.
Ellis Horatio T.,. grocery clerk, 61 Hamp.; res 5th ws 5 n Broadway.
Ellis Oswell T., shoemaker, 67 Fourth; res 58 Maiden L. ss 3 e 5th.
Ellis James T., employee, C. B. & Q. R. R.; res 5th ws 5 n Broad.
Ellis Jeremiah; bds Maiden Lane ss 5 e Fifth.
Ellis Volney R., route agent, T. W. & W. R’y.; res 7th ws 1 s Ver.
Ellis William, (col) laborer; bds Eighth ws n Linn.
Ellrott Charles, turner; res Tenth ws 1 s Hampshire.
Ellrott Henry, cabinet-maker; res Tenth ws I s Hampshire.
Ellsworth Edward G., at livery, 149 Hamp. ; bds Farmers’ House.
Ellsworth Elijah F., teamster; res 34 State ns w Fourth.
Ellsworth Isaac H., laborer; res Twelfth ws 2 s Vermont.
Ellsworth Lucinda, widow of Edward; res Twelfth ws 2 s Vermont.
Ellsworth Park J., teamster; res 34 State ns w Fourth.
Emery Rev. Samuel Hopkins, pastor, First Congregational Church; res York ss 3 e Fourth.
Emery Sam H., jr., book-keeper, 37 Fifth; res York ss 3 e Fourth.
Emerson Charles, book-keeper, 33 Fifth; res Third es I s York.
Emmering Bernhart, laborer; res Tenth ws 3 n Oak.
EMMONS GEORGE W. livery, sale, exchange and boarding stable, Fourth ws s. Maine; bds 110 Broadway ns e Seventh.
Emrich Peter, upholsterer, 122 Maine; res Washington ss 2 e Fifth.
Emrick Andrew J., cooper; res 133 York us 5 e Seventh.
Enderli Henry, house and sign painter, grainer, glazer and paper hanger; shop and res 239 Maine.
ENGELHARDT GEORGE F., teacher German and English school of St. Peter’s Church, sw cor Ninth and York, and private lessons in Latin, French, English and German languages; residence Tenth ws 4 s Maine.
Engels Johann, carpenter; res 78 Seventh es 5 n Kentucky. Engerser August, 48 Ill. Inf.; res Eighth ws 3 s State.
Enghaus Johann, confectioner, 175 Hampshire; res Linn ss 3 w 10th.
Enghaus Wilhelm, laborer; res Linn ss 3 w Tenth.
Engle I Edmond; res Third ws 6 s Broadway.
Engle Eli, general collector; res Third ws 6 s Broadway.
Engle Elias; res 4 Fourth es 2 s Broadway.
Epple John; res Twenty-fifth es 3 s Broadway, East Quincy.
Erdman Fritz, saddler; bds State ns 6 e Sixth.
Erdmann Johann M., carpenter, shop Ohio ns 6; res Ohio 5 e Ninth.
ERNER & KLOECKNER, (G. B. E. & F. K.), boot and shoe manufacturers and dealers, 166 Maine.
Erner Gerhard Bernhard, firm of E. & Klockner; res Oak ns 3 e 6th.
Ernst Adolph, at American Express, Front; res Third es 1 s Spring
ERNST CHRISTIAN, saloon, 107 Hampshire; res same.
ERNST GEORGE, saloon, 133 Maine; res same.
ERSKINE JAMES P., land and general agent; office and residence sw cor Seventh and Broadway.
Ertel Bernhart, cooper, Jefferson ss 1 e 6th; res State ns 2 w Fifth.
Ervin John, (col) fireman, river; res Third es 2 s Hampshire.
ERVIN & AMOS, (W. M. E. & B. A.), proprietors city laundry, Jersey ss 2 e Fifth.
Ervin William -TH., firm of E. & Amos.; bds 48 Seventh es n Jersey.
Esterley & Griese, (J. E. & J. G.), dlrs. in dry goods, 163 Hamp.
Esterley Joseph, firm of E. & Griese; res 68 Kentucky ss 1 e Fifth.
Esterley Christine, widow of Johann; res se cor 5th and Kentucky.
Esterley Peter P., saloon, Front es 4 s Spring ; res se cor 5th and Ken.
Eull John M., firm of Weber & E.; res ne cor Third and Kentucky.
Euscher Christoph, teamster; res P 0 ayson avenue ss 3 w Tenth.
EVANS EBEN, wholesale and retail dealer in boots and shoes, 32 Fifth; bds Quincy House.
Evans Edward; res Twenty-fifth ws 2 n Maine, East Quincy.
Evans Edward, carpenter, cor 9th and Hamp. -, bds 9th ws 1 n Hamp.
Evans Enoch K., teacher; res Spring ss 2 e Third.
Evans Robert; res 65 Jersey us 2 w Fifth. Everett Edward; res Twelfth ws. n Vine.
Evers Frank, dry goods clerk, 130 Maine; bds Broadway ss 2 w 12th.
Ewing Mrs. Mary, widow of Baker F.; res nw cor Fifth and Broad.
EWING WILLIAM G., attorney at law, 35 Fifth; res Chestnut ns 5 e Fifth.
Ewing William K., flour packer; cor Spring and Olive; res cor Fifth and Broadway.
EXPRESS OFFICE, American and United States, 43 Fourth; E. M. Cooper, agent.