Biography – Marion Carter

MARION CARTER is a native of Adams County, member of one of the old families here, and for many years has been successfully identified with agriculture in Liberty Township. His farm is four miles east of Liberty Village. He was born in McKee Township May 6, 1850, son...

Biography – William Conner

Wm. Conner, engineer for the S. C. & P. transfer company, was born in Va. in 1842; moved to Ill. in 1849, and in 1859 engaged in steam-boating on the Mississippi river. In 1866 he went to Quincy, Ill., and took charge of the machine shops for two years; then came...

Biography – William F Bacon

William F. Bacon, deceased, was a resident of Adams county for many years and was identified in early life with its agricultural interests and afterward with mercantile pursuits. He was a native of Massachusetts, born July 18, 1834, his parents being Benjamin and Mary...

Biography – William Henry Barnard

WILLIAM HENRY BARNARD. For nearly fourscore years the interests and associations of the Barnard family have been with Pleasant View locality Section 23, in Liberty Township, formerly known as Barnard Post-office, two and a half miles east of Liberty village. The...

Biography – Phillip Amen

Phillip Amen was born near Baden Baden in the Grand Duchy of Hessen in 1776. He was a German lutheran and married a girl named Mary. On 15 Sep 1808, they had a son named Phillip. In 1830, he married Lana Hagen, born 21 April 1809 in Hessen. She was Roman Catholic but...

Biography – Walter Emery

Walter F. Emery, deceased, was one of the pioneer settlers and representative citizens of Adams county, and man who to know was to respect and honor, for in all life’s relations he was true to the trust reposed in him and met his obligations with conscientious...

Biography – William B. Duncan

William B. Duncan is the owner of a fine farm of one hundred and ten acres of land, a part of which is in Ursa township, and the remainder in Ellington township.  He was born May 9, 1863, in Adams county, and is the son of John W. and Mary (Booth) Duncan.  The father,...

Biography – William Henry Wood

Widely known by the traveling public as proprietor and manager of Wood Hotel, one of the leading hotels of Quincy, William Henry Wood has acquired popularity as “mein host,” being genial, accommodating and ever mindful  of the needs and comforts of his...

Biography – William Hudson

William Hudson, who carries on general farming about three and a half miles southeast of Loraine, was born May 5, 1847, in Jefferson County, Tennessee, and is a son of William and Nancy (White) Hudson, who were also natives of the south.  The father died June 2, 1868...

Biography – William Henry Judy

William Henry Judy, an enterprising grain merchant of Coatsburg, was born in Gilmer township, October 8, 1847.  His father, William Judy, was a native of Kentucky, living in Gallatin county until almost twenty-five years of age, when he came to Illinois and settled in...